TL,DR: Get MTV Music Generator on PS1, it’s most complete
1. Differences between Music1 and Music2000;
Music1 is very lightweight, very immediate (thanks to no controls being hidden inside menus) allows you to quickly put down and layer your song!
Music2000 is definitely prepared for any task you'll throw at it, and it's best for finishing songs, group edits, chords, sample editing and other advanced features Music1 doesn't have!
Unfortunately though, M2K can be sometimes buggy - if you don’t want to lose your progress, save often, don’t redo your sequences/envelopes endlessly, and keep backups!
Despite all bugs that can hinder your music production, I still recommend to use M2K rather than M1, it’s much more beginner friendly with it’s Circle button displaying all possible options, and all the rest of advanced features!
2. Music 2000 vs MTV Music Generator
During this whole guide I often refer to the software as M2K, but I actually use MTV Music Generator, and I strongly recommend you to use it as well!
Despite having smaller screen, MTVMG has fully functional saving: It’s a small detail, but feedback parameter of both Delay and Echo reverbs will not be saved!
For VJs, I also recommend using MTVMG because of it’s 60fps display - M2K is capped at 50!
3. PC version vs PS1
PC version was released bit later, and is basically a port of PS1 version: It has few upgrades in form of 99 channels, slightly higher memory to work with, but it also has few problems: all reverbs have been replaced with different types of delays (which might be big deal for you) and there’s small bug that moves sample playback position forward by 1 every time you place down the note - this one doesn’t really make an impact since the max sample playback position has been greatly increased: I tried 1st hihat sample in 44khz, and max sample playback position was 3420 - having it around 200 didn’t seem any different to me
| Features | Music 1 | Music 2000 | PC Version is
|---------------+-------------------+--------------| same as PS1
| Channels | 16 (8 effect only) | all 24 | M2K / MTVMG
| Group edit | Only transpose | + parameters | except for
| Riff volume | Start,End,Both | + precise | 99 channels,
| Riff options | Vol, Name, Icon | + Key | kinda better
| Tempo changes | 1 per block | Like Riffs | sample edit.,
| Reverb setup | Once per song | Like Riffs | can import
| Riff memory | Those on SongMode | All | .wav files,
| Inst. cleanup | Not available | Yes | but reverbs
| Built-in Help | Key/Button hint | Full Manual | are now weak
| Reverb | Can set just type | + parameters | delays, and
| Themes | 16 available | No :( | AM channel
|---------------+-------------------+--------------| doesn’t work.